City Hall, Mossman Street, Charters Towers

Charters Towers, an inland rural city founded on gold mining, is 110 km south-west of Townsville. The Charters Towers gold rush of the 1870s saw the town become a major mining and business centre. The landscape was soon covered with mining and processing mills. Grand commercial buildings and private schools gave the town such presence that its inhabitants dubbed it 'The World'. With subsequent population decline many of the grander structures have survived.
Diane Menghetti, 'The gold mines of Charters Towers' in Readings in north Queensland mining history, vol 2, ed K.H. Kennedy, Townsville, History Department, James Cook University, 1982
Diane Menghetti, I remember: memories of Charters Towers, Townsville, History Department, James Cook University, 1989
Glenville Pike, Over the years: the Dalrymple Shire (Charters Towers district, north Queensland): past and present, Townsville, G. Pike, 1960
'Souvenir - Charters Towers, 1872 to July 1950'.
Elena Springer, ed, Charters Towers 1872-1972 Centenary, Charters Towers, City Council, Charters Towers, 1973
Michael Brumby, One Square Mile, Charters Towers, Charters Towers and Dalrymple Archive Group, 1997
Michael Brumby, Charters Towers: new century, new nation, Charters Towers, Charters Towers and Dalrymple Archive Group, 2001
Don Roderick, Charters Towers and its stock exchange, National Trust of Queensland, 1977
Marilyn Hammond and Lynn Wallis, Arida Pty Ltd 1882-1985, Charters Towers and Dalrymple Family History Assoc Inc, 2006
Michael Brumby, Beyond the bin, Charters Towers, Charters Towers and Dalrymple Archive Group, 1998
Charters Towers suburbs entry
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