Jewellery box
Queensland, the north-eastern state of Australia, has an area of 1,727,000 sq km, 22.5% of the Australian land surface. Its southern border adjoins New South Wales, and about 2100 km distant its northern border in the Torres Strait nearly touches Papua New Guinea. Its maximum east-west distance from near Maryborough to the Northern Territory is 1450 km. A little over half of Queensland is classified as tropical.
G.C. Bolton, A thousand miles away: a history of north Queensland to 1920, Brisbane, Jacaranda Press, 1963
Raphael Cilento, Triumph in the tropics: an historical sketch of Queensland, Fortitude Valley, Smith and Paterson Pty Ltd, 1959
Raymond Evans, A history of Queensland, Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, 2007
Ross Fitzgerald, From the Dreaming to 1915 (and) From 1915 to the early 1980s: a history of Queensland (2 vols), St Lucia, UQP, 1982, 1984
Ross Fitzgerald, Lyndon Megarrity and David Symons, Made in Queensland: a new history, St Lucia, UQP, 2009
Rupert Goodman, Secondary education in Queensland, 1860-1960, Canberra, ANU Press, 1968
W. Ross Johnston, The call of the land: a history of Queensland to the present day, Milton, Jacaranda Press, 1982
John Kerr, Triumph of narrow gauge: a history of Queensland Railways, Moorooka, Boolarong Press, 1990, 1998
J.M. Powell, Plains of promise, rivers of destiny: water management and the development of Queensland 1824-1990, Brisbane, Boolarong, 1991
Henry Reynolds and Dawn May, 'Queensland' in Ann McGrath ed, Contested ground: Australian Aborigines under the British Crown, St Leonards, NSW, Allen and Unwin, 1995
L.E. Skinner, 'Pastoral frontiers of Queensland' in Settlement of the colony of Queensland, Brisbane, Library Board of Queensland, 1978
Socialism at work, Brisbane, Government Printer, 1918
Drought, dust and deluge: a century of climate extremes in Australia, Canberra, Bureau of Meteorology, 2004
Climate of Queensland, Canberra, Bureau of Meteorology, 1992
Peter Saenger, Queensland's western afterthought: 150 years of ups and downs, East Lismore, Tankard Books, 2012
Bowen Basin, Brigalow Belt, Cape York Peninsula, Channel Country, Darling Downs, Dry Tropics, Great Barrier Reef, Gulf Country, Herberton Minerals Area, Hodgkinson Minerals Area, Mary Valley, Moreton Bay, Moreton District, Palmer River, Sugar Regions, Sunshine Coast, Torres Shire, Wet Tropics, and Wide Bay-Burnett entries
Copyright © Centre for the Government of Queensland, 2018. All rights reserved.