Tully's Falls, Ravenshoe

Ravenshoe ('Ravens-hoe') is a town 60 km west of Innisfail and 80 km south-west of Cairns. It is at the junction of the Kennedy and Palmerston Highways.
When first settled, the Ravenshoe district was taken up as the Evelyn and Woodleigh pastoral stations. In 1881 good stands of cedar were found at North and South Cedar Creeks, but it was not until 1897 that the Irvinebank mining entrepreneur, John Moffat, took steps to exploit it. Moffat acquired the Evelyn station and imported sawmill equipment from Tasmania, having it moved from Mareeba to Cedar Creek by bullock team.
More than memories: stories told to a group of year 5 students by the senior residents of Ravenshoe district, Cairns, Department of Education, 1992
Schools of the scrub, Ravenshoe, Ravenshoe State School, 1987
L.W. Smith, The trees that fell, Ravenshoe, L.W. Smith, 1991
A. Smith, ed, Red gold to Ravenshoe, Atherton, Ravenshoe Historical Society, 2001
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