Messrs Walker & Co's 'Aberdare Extended' Mine, near Ipswich

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Bundamba is a former coal mining area, 5 km east of Ipswich. The Bundamba coal field included the Welsh settler village of Blackstone immediately south of present day Bundamba. Each is now a recognisable suburb within the Ipswich City local government area, and each had its own primary school.
A.H. Adams, Bundamba State School 1873-1973: centenary booklet, Bundamba, Bundamba State School, 1974
Geoff Ford, Ipswich potteries: 1873-1926, Ipswich, Ipswich Art Gallery, 2004
R.L. Whitmore, Coal in Queensland: from Federation to the twenties, 1900 to 1925, St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1991
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