Hauling timber to Lowood railway station

Year Created:
Lowood, a rural town, is 40 km west of central Brisbane and 25 km north-west of Ipswich.
When the large pastoral leaseholds were all or partly resumed for closer settlement in the late 1860s and the 1870s, many of the settlers were German families. By the 1880s there were German Baptist, German Apostolic and Bethel Lutheran churches in the localities of Tarampa and Lowood (then known as Upper Tarampa). The Upper Tarampa school was opened in 1881.
Ruth Kerr, Confidence and tradition: a history of the Esk Shire, Esk, Council of the Shire of Esk, 1988
Ray Johnson, Lowood: the first 100 years: a salute to the pioneers, Lowood State School Centenary Committee, 1981
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