
Nathan, a suburb comprised mostly of Toohey Forest Park, the Mt Gravatt cemetery and a campus of Griffith University (1975), is 10 km south of central Brisbane. Its residential parts are a small estate on the western boundary and student accommodation on campus. The suburb was one of three around Mt Gravatt named after Queensland governors. Sir Matthew Nathan was Governor of Queensland from 1920 to 1926 and Chancellor of the University of Queensland (1922-26), gaining considerable public approval.

Further Reading: 

William Metcalfe, 'James Toohey' in Royal Historical Society Queensland Journal, vol 14, no 9, 1991

Noel Quirke, Preparing for the future: a history of Griffith University, Moorooka, Boolarong Press; Nathan, Griffith University, 1996

Rob Simpson, Find your way in the Toohey Forest: an introduction to the Toohey Forest bushland reserve, Brisbane, Toohey Forest Protection Society, 2000


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