St Mathew's Anglican Church, Drayton

Year Created:
Drayton, formerly a rural town and now an outer suburb of Toowoomba, is 6 km south-west of Toowoomba's city centre.
Originally known as The Springs, Drayton began as a camping place near the intersection of the Eton Vale, Westbrook and Gowrie pastoral stations in about 1842. A European settler at The Springs, Thomas Alford, named his house, store and post office Drayton after his birthplace in Somerset, the name ultimately being applied to the emergent township.
Drayton State School 150 years: 1851-2001, Drayton State School, 2001
Drayton and Toowoomba cemetery: our backyard revisited, Toowoomba and Darling Downs Family History Society, 2013
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